The Illuminated Tree of Stories Canvas.

från 310,00 kr

The Illuminated Tree of Stories

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there stood a wondrous tree unlike any other. Its branches reached to the sky, adorned with leaves that emitted a mesmerizing glow, casting a soft, ethereal light upon the surrounding countryside. This tree was known far and wide as the Illuminated Tree of Stories.

Legend had it that this extraordinary tree possessed the unique ability to recount tales of remarkable deeds, of hard work and perseverance, and of the cooperative spirit that birthed great achievements. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the tree's radiant glow would intensify, and it would weave captivating narratives of extraordinary labor, fostering a sense of dedication and purpose in those who gathered around its majestic trunk.

One of the stories it told was of the great work done by the apple trees, whose steadfast commitment to producing luscious fruit served as a timeless example of dedication and excellence. Their bountiful harvests brought joy to all who tasted their sweet, crisp apples, and their unwavering commitment to their craft inspired others to strive for greatness in their own endeavors.

But the Illuminated Tree of Stories didn't stop there. It spoke of the remarkable cooperation between companies that had taken the seeds of those very apple trees and, through collaboration and mutual respect, had cultivated thriving enterprises that brought the fruits of their labor to people all around the world. These companies, born of shared vision and harmonious collaboration, became beacons of success, showcasing the power of unity and collective effort.

Through its luminescent tales, the Illuminated Tree of Stories imparted invaluable lessons about the beauty of hard work, the significance of nurturing relationships, and the potential for greatness when individuals and organizations come together in pursuit of a common goal.

To this day, the glowing tree continues to illuminate the hearts and minds of those who seek its wisdom, reminding them that from the seeds of cooperation, great companies can bloom and flourish, leaving an indelible mark on the world.

.: Made with highly durable cotton and polyester canvas composite (9.82 oz/yd² (333 g/m²)) with a special proprietary coating for vibrant prints that last.

.: This canvas is an eco-friendly option as the frame is made with radial pine responsibly sourced from renewable forests.

.: Hang the frame with confidence as the soft rubber dots in the back corners of the frame provide ample support and a stable result.

14" x 14" (Square)
24″ x 24″ (Square)
32" x 32" (Square)


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